Friday, May 24, 2013

For the week ending 5/24/13

For the week ending 5/24/13:

We saw some interesting things this week with the stock market potentially showing exhaustion then bouncing off the lines of support. There were also some economic indicators that show promising signs.

Economic Indicators: All about the Jawbs...

4 Week NSA Jobless Claims, the most important observation, saw it continue downward despite the blip the a couple of weeks back.

Durable Goods showed a 3.3% jump in April over -5.9% prior and 1.7% above "forecast" by the experts at 1.6%.

Existing home sales and MBA Mortgage Index did post disappointing numbers but are not far off the consensus and the trend for the data still show good signs.

Now some % Gain/Loss tickers for the week:

S&P    -1.07%
GLD   3.02%
OIL    -2.50%
DXY  -0.63%
10YR  4.14%
RUT   -1.20%
XLF   -1.10%
XLE   -0.49%
XLU  -3.70%
XLY  -1.30%
XLP   -0.55%
XLK   -1.58%
XLB   -1.67%
XLI    -1.04%
XLV  -0.55%

Please let me know of any tickers, ETFs, indexes, or whatever you want me to put up on there. 

Thanks for reading and enjoy your long weekend,

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